About Me

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A firefighter's wife and mommy to a 6 year old and 4 dogs. In my free time I like to help inspire others to change their lives both physically and financially.

July 25, 2011

The Cost of a Healthy Meal

Shakeology is a protein shake that is full of nutrients with high-quality ingredients. Its amazing nutritional value and low caloric content make it a perfect meal replacement.  It also has a certified low glycemic index.  When you taste it, you may think you are drinking a milkshake!
As a Team Beachbody Coach, people ask me all the time if Shakeology is worth the cost.  I’ve heard it all:  “How much does it cost?” “It seems so expensive!” “How can I afford that?” “Isn’t the meal replacement shake cheaper at the warehouse store?”
By the way, you won’t get a cheap product that delivers the same nutrition level that you get from a single serving of Shakeology!
Most people are so worried about the cost they forget that Shakeology is a high quality product that is packed with nutrients and health benefits.  Instead of asking “How much does it cost?” you should be asking, “What can Shakeology do for me?”
What really amazes me is how people get so concerned over the cost of something healthy like Shakeology, but think nothing of spending $4 to $6 on an unhealthy, fattening coffeehouse drinks or fast food!  There’s no comparison.  The $4.00 per serving of Shakeology is definitely money well spent!

Due to Shakeology’s formulation, one shake will cover most your body’s normal daily requirement for vitamins and minerals.  Shakeology uses several whole-food sources of nutrients, rather than using only synthetic extracts or isolates (like some multivitamin pills do).  The benefit of whole-food derived ingredients is that the nutrients are preserved as close to their natural state as possible and are therefore delivered to your body in the most holistic way possible.  Your body will better absorb and more efficiently use nutrients from whole-food sources.
And, if you are following the Weight Watchers program, Shakeology is equal to 3 points!
Make this your year to be healthy! To learn more about Shakeology visit my site:  www.myshakeology.com/feincandy

July 19, 2011

The Battle Of Folding the Towels

I admit it…I’m a bit of a control freak!  I like things to be done in a certain way and I’ve learned that most of the time it’s just easier to do them myself.  So they’re done the right way…my way!  I’m also big on routine.
I tend to do things the same most days in the same order.  It keeps my sane.  I get ready in a particular order, prepare to leave for work a certain way, start my day off at work the same, and finish the evenings at home without fail watching television before I fall asleep.  Don’t judge me.  It’s my stress relief.  I like my routine but I’m not always as strict with it on the weekends; which works against me sometimes.  Live and learn.  I’ll get it right someday.
Normally my weekends are the time to get my “chores” done; except for vacuuming.  That has to be done daily.  I have four dogs, two of which are Siberian “We Never Stop Shedding” Huskies.  In my house the division of the household chores pretty much aligns with gender but on occasion, if asked or out of need, my husband will willingly conquer one of my “chores”.  Just the other evening I asked him to empty the dishwasher for me.  When I got home the dishes were put away and that’s great.  One less “chore” to do that evening while cooking dinner.
As I was opening cabinets during the cooking process I noticed some items were not put back in the right spot or not the way I’d do it.  I could get annoyed and nag but instead I put the items in the correct place and neatly rearranged the flatware and left it at that.  It’s the same as when he folds laundry or towels.  They’re done.  Not necessarily they way I’d fold them but they’re folded.  99% of the time I do the laundry so I can’t complain about how the items are folded; just about having to fold them period. 
I’ve learned it’s not worth getting upset about it in the long run.  I’ve realized he’s doing the things for me because I asked or he wants to make me happy.  I see it as one of the ways that he tells me he loves me.  And I’ll take that any day and live with rearranging the flatware or refolding towels the right way…my way.  All because I know my husband loves me.

July 13, 2011

New In Town

The devotees of Shakeology will be happy to know that Beachbody recently announced the release of a new flavor.  And the new flavor is (drum roll)…Tropical!  It’s pink and nourishes your body while tasting like an exotic island getaway.
It’s a combo of berries, pineapple, papaya, acerola cherry, and smooth banana.  Yum!  I know I can’t wait to start my morning off with a taste of the tropics.  It will be a great addition to the current flavors:  Chocolate and Greenberry.
The new Shakeology Tropical flavor will be available later in the year.  At the 2011 Beachbody Coach Summit it received rave reviews.  No shortcuts were taken by Beachbody while creating the new flavor in order to ensure the quality of the ingredients.
I’m very excited about the new flavor and it’s leaving me pinkalicious! 

To learn more about Shakeology, its benefits, or testimonials from users and doctors, visit my website: www.myshakeology.com/feincandy  

July 6, 2011

If Only There Were 25 Hours in a Day

So much to do, so little time.  How many times have you thought this to yourself or uttered those exact words aloud?  I know that I find myself doing so often.  To try to bring some calm to the storm of my so called life I make a daily To Do list.  During the week I maintain a paper version and a virtual version on my cell phone.  On the weekend, since my time is a bit more flexible, I just keep the list on my phone.  My To Do list is great for helping me determine how to focus my day and prioritize what must be done but one thing my list doesn’t do for me is find the time I need to get it all done.  Now talk about an app…someone needs to create that!  Heck, I’d even pay for that one!
What kinds of things do I keep on my list?  Pretty much anything and everything.  If it needs to be done, it gets jotted down on the list.  If it’s something basic like showering, eating, etc., then I don’t include those since I’ll remember to do them.  In general, my daily list includes work and home-related tasks.  Some items are routine (e.g., make calls, empty the dishwasher, timesheet, etc.) while other items are must do’s for that day (e.g., doctor appointment, meeting, pay bills, etc.).  Do I always include everything that has to be done on my list?  No.  I’ll admit there are some things that I forget or will pop up last minute and they don’t go on the list.  I have found the list is effective when it comes to keeping me on task.  And I’ll admit; I like the sense of accomplishment I get when I check something off the list.  Like today:  Write blog…check!
Maintaining my To Do list has been great for me.  It helps keep me organized and focused.  Having a full time job, being a mom to 1 child and 4 fur kids, and a being fireman’s wife keeps me busy and I’ve discovered that what I plan to do may not always come to fruition.  I’ve realized that my To Do list is my guide on the road to success.  And it’s OK if I manipulate it and push something to the next day.  For it to work, I have to use it the best way it suits me.
I get what I can and needs to be done, happily checking those things off the list, and then have slight disappointment about not getting it all done.  Well, life doesn’t always follow a list and I have to go with the flow too.  Since starting my To Do list, I have accomplished more than before I used one.  So it has been beneficial for me and my life.  Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned (or listed) and I’ve come to accept that.  I also learned that even if my day had 25, 30, or 35 hours in it, I probably still would need more time.  After all, it’s my list and accomplishments.  While I get through my day getting things done or pushing them off to the next day, I’ll be waiting for someone to invent that app!