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A firefighter's wife and mommy to a 6 year old and 4 dogs. In my free time I like to help inspire others to change their lives both physically and financially.

November 27, 2011


It’s all about Perspective
As we get ready to celebrate the upcoming holiday and prepare to eat until we can’t eat anymore, I wonder has the holiday season lost its true meaning.  Sure, I like all the decorations, gift giving, and presents but is that what the holiday season is truly about.  Like most people, I have a Facebook account (shocking, I know) and I’ve noticed some people making daily posts regarding what they are thankful for each day.  I also know someone that is creating a paper turkey using feathers that the kids or other members of the family write something that they are thankful for on prior to attaching it to the turkey.  What a great idea.  Knowing myself, publicly stating reasons daily for an entire month is not my style and there is no way that I would do so either.  I thought this would be a better approach.  So here it is things that I’m thankful for (in no particular order).
1.       My family.  My husband, daughter, parents, in-laws, and beyond are non-negotiable.  Without my family I wouldn’t be the person that I am.  Even though at times I may seek some quiet time, I wouldn’t want to be without them.
2.       My health.  This is something most take for granted.  I’m thankful for being able to do most of the things that I’d like to do.
3.       My dogs.  Believe it or not, I’m thankful for all 4 of them:  Shila, Takkani, Tinkerbell, and Isabell.  Even though two of them like to get up early morning and make a lot of noise until someone lets them outside, another likes to hang out outside bark and hunt squirrels all day, and the fourth one thinks she is human.  My life is complete with them in the house.  They bring lots of joy with all of the chaos.
4.       Waking up every morning.  This one is a given.  Even when things seem bad, it’s always worse for someone else.  Being able to wake up daily, I get a fresh start on what’s to come.  I have another day to organize and conquer my To Do list.  I’ll admit some days are good and some days are not as good, but as long as I get to keep starting over every day, then I think that is something to be thankful for.
5.       Having a job.  As much as I’m thankful for waking up in the morning, I still am not happy about getting out of bed.  J  It is a necessary evil and can only be put off so long.  And I’m so thankful that I have a job that I enjoy to go to on a daily basis.

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